10 Fast Tips To Build Your Social Media Fanbase!

  1. Your Fan Page cover photo
    This is the major banner across the top of your page. Choose a photo that best represents your image and keep this branding consistent across your social media platforms.
  1. You should be posting 1 time per day on your Facebook fan page
  2. Photos & images get the most amount of likes, shares etc.
  3. Move some of your personal friends over to your Facebook fan page.
  4. Engage your fan page more than your personal page.
  5. Always check your fan page analytics to see who you’re appealing to, so you can tweak and adjust your messaging to suit.
  6. Use different photos for your fan page and for your personal page.
    This helps you to easily distinguish & differentiate between your two accounts.
  1. Be sure to use a Facebook app to showcase your music like Bandcamp, or Soundcloud.
  2. Use a tour date app on your fanpage like Songkick.
  3. Include clear fanpage ‘calls to action‘ such as;
    1. a newsletter sign up with a great offer
    2. follow me on twitter
    3. watch my music videos

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